Precedent in EU Law: A Practitioner's View
This paper sets out a practitioner’s view of both the nature of decisional practice, and precedents in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), based on some 40 years of experience of judicial disputes. I consider the specific case of CJEU precedents (including both the Court of Justice (ECJ) and the General Court (GC)), before moving on to comment on how EU precedents have been handled by the CJEU and, before Brexit, by English courts. From a practitioner’s perspective it is always necessary to take account of varying factors that may cause a court to decide one way rather than another. Accordingly, it is not sufficient to rely on an earlier decision as a precedent: the underlying justification for the precedent and its continuing relevance to the case in hand must always be borne in mind.
Cite as: Lasok, JLL 13 (2024), 8–27, DOI: 10.14762/jll.2024.008
case law, decisional practice, direct effect, jurisprudence, precedent
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